Unsolicited commercial email takes time away from productive activities within your dealership and usually annoys the recipient.
Your customers feel the same about SPAM and unwanted email. Therefore, all CRMs incorporate “Opt Out” functionality into their email service, helping you to comply with anti-SPAM regulations by giving your customers a choice on receiving future emails from you.
Unfortunately, your legitimate business message could be perceived as SPAM by your customers or anti-SPAM filters by the way the message is written. Refer to the following tips to avoid having your emails identified as SPAM by your customers:
Always make sure there is a subject line on every email.
The subject line must include a minimum of five characters in upper and lower case, in addition to any merge fields.
Analyze the message you deliver in the subject line carefully. It is best to start all email subjects with your business name – “Blackburn Ford – Employee Pricing For Everyone.”
Do not use ALL CAPS or excessive punctuation (! or ?) in the subject line.
Avoid words such as “Free,” “For You Only,” and “Guaranteed.”
Avoid any phrases or words with a sexual connotation.
Keep your subject line length short.
Note: Always respect your customers’ wishes to be excluded from email contact of any kind.
Draft the body of your message carefully so that it is communicated in a conversational tone.
Avoid overuse of all caps or excessive punctuation in the body of your message.
Avoid using phrases like “CLICK BELOW,” “Without a credit check,” “Do it today,” “Have you been turned down…”
Contact Paul Thompson today to send a professional, effective email out to your customers.